Predseda koordinačného výboru, Mohammad Barakeh, adresoval generálnemu tajomníkov OSN, Antóniovi Guteressovi list pri príležitosti "Medzinárodného dňa podpory práv Palestínčanov v Štáte Izrael"


Pri príležitosti „Medzinárodného dňa podpory práv Palestínčanov v štáte Izrael“, Predseda koordinačného výboru, pán Mohammad Barakeh, adresoval generálnemu tajomníkov OSN, Antóniovi Guteressovi, list v znení:

January 30, 3017
To Mr.António Guterres
Secretary General of the United Nations
New York

Your Excellency Mr. Guterres,
I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere congratulations and wishes to you in your new post. 
Please find attached a short report on behalf of the Palestinian Citizens of the state of Israel, that compose 20% of the general Israeli citizens, I'm delighted to send you this brief letter about their civil status as second class citizens.
Today (January 30) is the "International Day for Supporting the Rights of the Palestinian Citizens of Israel", this day was launched last year (2016), in order to get international support for our struggle for equal rights in Israel.
I'm quite sure that there is a lot of misunderstanding of our status and situation as a minority group and citizens of the state of Israel, especially under the shadow of the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories to end the occupation and for independence, a struggle that we are fully supporting.
I hope that the attached letter and explanation will enhance your interest in our situation, and hope that we can get the support and sympathy for our struggle for equal rights and human dignity as Palestinian Arabs in the State of Israel.
Sincerely Yours,

Mohammed Barakeh,
Head of the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel